This is a collection of meeting minutes from Livermore airport commission meetings, Livermore City Council meetings, Dublin City Council meetings and Pleasanton Council Meetings.
Links are provided for access to full meeting minutes. A selection of highlights are copy+pasted for reference
*Please note that we will start publishing meeting minutes from city councils once the airport project becomes an agenda item.
Highlights pertaining to expansion and noise issues
Aircraft Accident December 22, 2020 - Mr. Decoteau stated the single engine aircraft is based here at LVK and had experienced engine roughness upon takeoff from Runway 7R. Upon engine failure there was not enough power and came down at the southwest corner of the airfield. Due to lack of moveability hit the concrete barriers and damaged approximately four feet of the left wing coming to rest in the grass area. Pilot, only person on board, was uninjured. Livermore Police, LivermorePleasanton Fire and ambulance responded. National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) notified and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigating. Substantial damage to aircraft, will be classified as an accident. No damage to Airport property.
Highlights pertaining to expansion and noise issues
November— A proposal for a second FBO to be developed on the south side parcel of the airport by KaiserAir was heard by the commission.
December— Five Rivers broke ground on Phase II. Construction consisting of 43, 000 square foot corporate hangar.
Noise Complaint Responses— Mr. Decoteau explained, persons can file a complaint in several ways, phone call, in person or on- line via website. All complaints are investigated. Our focus is on pilot and public education, we are a public use airport and cannot prohibit aircraft or administer fees for not adhering to voluntary restrictions. Annually, visit with flight schools and instructors to educate pilots of noise sensitive areas. Previously a noise analysis was done every two years where readings are performed over a time of one week. The last was performed in 2014 and the Airport is planning to have a study done in 2021. Interim Vice Chair Bishop would like to have a webpage dedicated to aircraft noise to help mitigate staff investigation time and responses. And educate the public as to what can/ cannot be done by the Airport and let them know their complaints are reported and discussed at meetings. Include information as to be benefits of the airport to the community and the type of aircraft flying overhead.
The Livermore city council has allowed housing development inside the Airport Protection Area. Residents who live in these areas have legally acknowledged the existence of the airport and the associated noise at their time of purchase, in documents signed at closing. Noise complaints coming from these areas are essential ignored other than to remind them of their decision to live close to the airport.
Mr. Brett Gregory, Airport Service Attendant— Noise Complaints, stated response is dictated by complainant based on how received, phone call, email or log only, no response requested.
Interim Vice Chair Bishop inquired is there is a requirement or mandate to take and respond to noise complaints.
Mr. Decoteau stated there is no obligation, but it is " best practices" to have a program for the community.
Highlights pertaining to expansion and noise issues
KaiserAir Proposed Development — Mr. Decoteau reviewed Staff Report and introduced Mr. Ron Guerra, KaiserAir, Inc. Senior Vice President of Operations and Chief Pilot, for Commission discussion and questions. Mr. Guerra provided background regarding the two facilities currently operating, KaiserAir Oakland and KaiserAir Santa Rosa providing aircraft maintenance, charter service and being a full service Fixed Base Operator FBO). Proposing the same long term (45 year) presence in Livermore. Mr. Teddy Ramil,
C& S Companies - Managing Engineer, presented layout of the development with slides depicting the existing site, existing site infrastructure, proposed development show phases 1- 4 ( color coded) and general site plan.
Phase One— Concrete apron ( 293, 200 square feet), terminal building 5, 000 square feet), fuel storage, self- service avgas fuel station, vehicle parking lot and airfield infrastructure improvements.
Phase Two— Hangar complex ( 64, 000 square feet), 18 rectangular 60' x60' hangars.
Phase Three — Two- story office building and hangar complex ( 38, 000 square feet).
Phase Four — Ground service equipment maintenance building ( 4, 000 square feet) and two t- hangar complexes ( 60, 000 square feet).
3. The proposal shows what looks like a B737 in the phase 3 area. If so, that will no doubt increase noise complaints
Question 3: Mr. Guerra stated the depiction of the B737 was to show the hangar size. KaiserAir does operate B737s, but within the noise requirements. There are no plans to nor can operate commercial service out of LVK. The maintenance facility is for maintenance and storage of aircraft. In the last two years operating in and out of San Jose, no noise violations or noise complaints have been received.
Interim Chair Bertsch asked if KaiserAir would adhere to the Voluntary Restraint from Night Flying policy.
Mr. Guerra stated that is was their intent.
Interim Chair Bertsch asked if there are plans to base 737s here.
Mr. Guerra stated yes, he plans to have them here and community outreach will be important.
Commissioner Chabrier asked how will KasierAir deal with community uproar on it' s aircraft operations.
Mr. Decoteau replied the Airport will handle. The FAA dictates what is or is not allowed into an airport. An airport cannot prohibit operations. The Airport would work with the FAA on a response to the community.
Airport Incidents - Mr. Decoteau said in late September an RV aircraft went off Runway 25R into the adjacent field. Pilot only on board, no injuries. Aircraft sustained damage to the wheel pan and there was one airfield light damaged. Operations were impacted for a very short time while aircraft was recovered.